Gerakkan zionis antarabangsa yang diterajui Theodor Herzl yang bersidang di Basil, Switzerland pada 1897 menjadi batu ass kepada usaha-usaha kaum Yahudi menjajah bumi Palestin yang diduduki lebih 85% umat Islam yang berbangsa Arab. Itu diikuti dengan penghijrahan beramai-ramai orang-orang Yahudi yang majoritinya dari Eropah dengan bantuan dari pemimpin British yang menjajah bumi Palestin ketika itu.
Konflik di Bumi Palestin terus berpanjangan. Api konflik yang dimulakan oleh perompak dan penjajah Yahudi kemudiannya menggunakan pelbagai pendekatan untuk cuba menunjukkan bahawa rakyat Palestin adalah pihak yang bersalah dan perlu akur dengan terma-terma rundingan dan perjanjaian-perjanjian serta ketentuan-ketentuan yang dibuat oleh zionis Israel dengan ditaja di sokong oleh kuasa-kuasa negara berkepentingan seumpama Amerika, Britain, Perancis dan negara-negara Eropah.
Entri ini menyenaraikan Garis-Masa (Time Line) usaha-usaha yang dilakukan sama ada secara langsung oleh pihak zionis mahupun kuncu-kuncu zionis dari pihak negara-negara barat mahupun melalui bangsa-bangsa bersatu yang sehingga kini jelas merugikan rakyat Palestin dan hanya berpihak kepada perompak dan penyangak zionis Yahudi.
Timeline of major 'Peace Negatiation'
1916: Sykes-Picot: (British-French) agreement divides Arabian peninsula between British and French; Palestine left an international zone
1917: Balfour Declaration: announces support of British government for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people,” while insisting also upon the rights of non-Jewish peoples.
1937: Peel Comission: A British Royal Commission led by Lord Peel examined the Palestine question beginning late in 1936. Its report, published in July 1937, recommended the creation of a small Jewish state in a region less than 1/5 of the total area of Palestine. The remainder was to be joined to Transjordan except for some parts, including Jerusalem, that would remain under British control. The Arab population in the Jewish areas was to be removed, by force if necessary, and vice versa, although this would mean the movement of far more Arabs than Jews. The Zionist leaders accepted the proposal, while the Arab leadership rejected the proposal outright. Two more partition plans were also considered: Plan B (map) and Plan C (map). It all came to nothing, as the British government had shelved the proposal altogether by the middle of 1938. 1947: UN Partition Plan: In 1947, the United Nations created the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) to find an immediate solution to the Palestine question, which the British had handed over to the UN. The majority of the members of UNSCOP proposed certain recommendations for the UN General Assembly which on 29 November 1947 adopted a resolution recommending the adoption and implementation of the Partition Plan, based substantially on those proposals as Resolution 181(II). PART I: Future constitution and government of Palestine: A. Clause 3. provided as follows:- Independent Arab and Jewish States and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem, set forth in part III of this plan, shall come into existence in Palestine two months after the evacuation of the armed forces of the mandatory Power has been completed but in any case not later than 1 October 1948. More importantly, the proposal called for the creation of two states, while Jerusalem and Bethlehem would be placed under United Nations control.
Jewish leaders of the Jewish agency accepted parts of the plan, while Arab leaders refused it.[9][10][11] Large-scale fighting soon broke out between the Jews and the Arabs. King Abdullah I of Jordan met with a delegation headed by Golda Meir to negotiate terms for accepting the partition plan, but rejected its proposal that Jordan remain neutral. Indeed, the king knew that the nascent Palestinian state would soon be absorbed by its Arab neighbors, and therefore had a vested interest in being party to the imminent war.[12]
On May 14, 1948, on the day in which the British Mandate over Palestine expired, the Jewish People's Council gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum, and approved a proclamation which declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel.[13]
1978: Camp David Peace Accords: US, Israel, and Egypt sign Camp David Peace Accords, returning land to Egypt and buying Egypt out of pro-Palestinian camp.
1993: Oslo Peace Accords: Yassir Arafat and Itzaak Rabin sign Oslo Peace Accords, leading to formation of Palestinian Authority in Gaza and parts of West Bank; many Palestinians reject the legitimacy of this authority; some support swings from PLO to Hamas.
[3] Proposal for Palestinian State
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